25 September 2012

ASOD: all works and no play

The 33rd ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters which is organized by the National Anti-drugs Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs is about to commence. The meeting is held in the Swiss Garden Hotel starting today until 27th of September 2012. Details has been scrutinized, preparations are all ready and perfect.. and here we are.. waiting for the inaugural ceremony which will begins at 9.00 am. This meeting is launched by the Honourable Dato' Alwi bin Haji Ibrahim, the Deputy Secretary-general (Security), Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia. 

Until then, lets have a look on how some the organizing committees were busy preparing all the documents and the exhibitions panels last weekends..

The inaugural ceremony can be reached "live" through NADA website on the announcement button from 8.30 to 11.00 am!!

Good luck to all..
well, all works and no play do not necessarily make Jack a dull  boy...

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