10 October 2012

ASOD: all went soar!!

The ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters (33rd ASOD) had just passed. 10 member countries and 100 invited participants had a fruitful sessions of meetings, discussions and  workshops.  

Inaugural ceremony was tied nicely by Dato' Alwi bin Haji Ibrahim, the Deputy Secretary-general (Security), Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia. Followed by welcoming dinner by the host on the second day. Obviously, all are contented with the cultural performances and delightful Chinese Cuisine..  And what most appealing are the fresh recommendations presented by each working group in this meeting which might resolve some of the pertinent issues on drug matters among ASEAN countries. 

The meeting ended with a two hour visit to 1Malaysia Cure and Care Clinic in Sungai Besi. They had been enlightened by the Director of  1Malaysia Cure and Care Clinic and her staff on how Sungai Besi transformed from a compulsory rehabilitation centre to an open access facility. 

Nice words, big hugs, thousand applauds and million thanks.. and we were all depart with a clearer mind. It is the time for real action! 

Congratulations to the organizing committees, ASEAN Secretariat, Ministry of Home Affairs and Malaysia as the host as well as chairman of the meeting. We are looking forward for the 34th ASOD in Myanmar!!

coffee break right after the inaugural ceremony

YBhg Dato' Alwi was making his way to the  ballroom

Yg Bhg Puan Sri Dato' chaired the meeting

some of the Head of Delegations

A gift of momento..

some of NADA's partners from CCSC Chow Kit and CCH Hulu Langat

Mr Izhar, the chairperson for treatment and rehabilitation workshop. To his left is Dr Sangeeth, presented the journey of Cure and Care in Malaysia.
Mr Wan Addenan presented the best practices in prevention 

Ms Hafidah presented the research findings on prevention

The Awesome Dinner
waiting for the arrival of VVIP 

the two Deputy of Director General of NADA with an academician from Indonesia

Arrival the VVIP for the dinner

captured the best moments..

let's have fun..

beautiful  dance..

Dato' Alwi presented a gift as a momento to ASEAN Secretariat

Cherished them..

Miss Nazirah briefed the delegates on how the cure and care works.

photo session at the  Cure and Care 1Malaysia Clinic

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