10 October 2012

keynote address the 33rd ASOD, Kuala Lumpur 2012.

25th SEPTEMBER 2012

Distinguished Heads of Delegations,
Distinguished Delegates and Observers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and a very Good Morning to you.

First of all, on behalf of the Government and people of Malaysia let me say:

SELAMAT DATANG KE MALAYSIA.  I am honored to be given this opportunity to welcome Distinguished Delegations from ten ASEAN Member States around the region and to officiate at your 33rd ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters Meeting.

We in Malaysia are very proud of the fact that the Honorable Puan Sri Dato’ Zuraidah binti Haji Muhamad, Director General of the National Antidrug Agency has been elected as Chair of the 33rd ASOD representing Malaysia. Puan Sri Dato’ Zuraidah binti Haji Muhamad, the first ever woman Director General, has led NADA to implement the Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) which resulted in tremendous changes and transformation made to the drug treatment and rehabilitation approach by implementing the Cure & Care Models in Malaysia that focuses on positive outcomes and impact.
I understand that although the Meeting is hosted by NADA, the Malaysian Delegates are also represented by Senior Officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Royal Malaysia Police, the Royal Customs Department, Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency and the Pharmaceutical Services Division of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. This is an affirmation of the need for a multisectoral approach in dealing with issues related to supply reduction efforts as well as in providing  drug treatment and rehabilitation services and to conduct drug preventive education programs and public awareness campaigns.

 Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recalling the Bangkok Declaration of 8 August 1967, one of the fundamental principles of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was “strengthening the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations”. ASEAN policies, plans and strategies and activities revolve around this principle. Illicit drug cultivation, production, manufacture, trafficking as being part of transnational crime and the epidemic of drug abuse have the potential of eroding this central belief thereby affecting the political, economic and social well being of ASEAN.

During the 31st ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Manila in July 1998, the Foreign Ministers reiterated the need for enhancing regional efforts against transnational crime such as illicit drug trafficking, terrorism, money laundering and trafficking in women and children. In essence, the Joint Declaration for a Drug-Free ASEAN to eradicate the production, processing, traffic and of use of illicit drugs in Southeast Asia by the year 2020 and later during the 33rd AMM endorsed to fast forward the target to the year 2015 due to the alarming threats posed by illicit drugs towards the region, the world and to mankind.
During the 30th ASOD in 2009, the ASOD work plan entitled the “ASEAN Work Plan on Combating Illicit Drug Production, Trafficking and Use (2009 – 2015) was adopted in order to support the vision and scope of the Drug-Free ASEAN 2015. We applaud Indonesian BNN’s assistance in undertaking the mid-term review with facilitation from the ASEAN Secretariat.

Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am informed that the report of the findings on the Mid-Term Review was presented to the Special ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drugs and Related Issues hosted by Thailand from 30 – 31 August 2012. The Meeting tasked the ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters to monitor the implementation of ASEAN Work Plan on Combating Illicit Drug Production, Trafficking and Use (2009 – 2015) closely with the attention to the Mid-Term Review Report made by ASEAN Member States. The Meeting also proposed to the Government of ASEAN Member States to integrate the ASEAN Work Plan on Combating Illicit Drug Production, Trafficking and Use (2009 – 2015) in their national plan on drug control.

As such, I believe this 33 ASOD meeting has its work cut out for it by having to go through the  mid-report and discussing in greater detail how  proposed targets are to be met through an effective implementation and monitoring process.

Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

In Malaysia, the Government has always been consistent through its strong commitment and political will in combating the illicit drug problem. Our national drug strategies have also  evolved over time to take into account changes in drug trends within the nation, regionally and internationally.
Thus we can see a shift from drug abuse seen as a social problem in the late 70”s, to the implementation of stringent drug law enforcement since the 80’s. Similarly in the field of drug treatment we have shifted from a punitive approach to focus on a variety of treatment modalities and currently to encouraging voluntary turn-ins.

Similarly law enforcement agencies within the country and the region are working closer       together to address issues such as diversion of precursors, clandestine labs, drug trafficking syndicates and new drugs of abuse.

Recognizing that drugs have an international dimension and also related to other transnational crimes Malaysia continues to strengthen its bilateral and regional and international ties. In recent years we have formalized such ties by signing Memorandum of Understanding on Drug and Precursor Control. Indeed in recent instances we have expanded the areas of cooperation to include other threats such as human trafficking, money laundering, currency fraud etc.

In an increasing complex world facing a variety of challenges, we need to enhance cooperation, optimize our limited resources and focus on what works. Malaysia remains fully committed and confident of the ASEAN process and we have faith in ASOD as the main regional mechanism to address these drug problems.

 I am pleased to see today that the forum of ASOD has sustained its important role as an avenue for Senior Officials from all ASEAN Member States to gather annually for the purpose of coordinating minds and efforts towards achieving the Vision of a Drug Free ASEAN by 2015. With less than three years left to go until 2015, I consider that there are a lot that needs to be done in order to materialize the vision of a South East Asia that’s free from illicit drugs in terms of cultivation, production, manufacture, trafficking and abuse. Having said that, we need go on at full speed ahead with concrete actions as needed and to implement relevant decisions in line with the vision of achieving a Drug-Free ASEAN 2015.

In invoking the name of God Almighty – BismillahHir RahmanNir Rahim,
I formally Declare Open the 33rd ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters and wish you every success in your deliberations. 

Thank you.

find out more about ASOD 33rd..
Nice words, big hugs, thousand applauds and million thanks.. and we were all depart with a clearer mind. Its the time for real action! http://nodrugplease.blogspot.com/2012/10/asod-all-went-soar.html

The 33rd ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters which is organized by the National Anti-drugs Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs is about to commence! http://nodrugplease.blogspot.com/2012/09/asod-all-works-and-no-play.html

Hidup ini terlalu indah untuk disiakan....

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