24 July 2015

My Teen Has Completed Treatment. Now What?

Parents often feel uncertain and ill-prepared when their child has completed addiction treatment. Many wonder, “How can I best support my teen’s recovery?”

To help parents, the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and the Treatment Research Institute created an interactive guide called Continuing Care: A Parent’s Guide to Your Teen’s Recovery from Substance Abuse.

Continuing Care, or aftercare, is the support plan following addiction treatment. Continuing Care can involve:
  • Direct communication with the treatment program after the patient leaves
  • Outpatient counseling sessions (group or individual)
  • Phone follow-ups
  • Activities that take place in community support organizations
Optimal but less frequently available continuing care options include:
  • Drug testing and feedback
  • Counseling or family therapy for parents and adolescents
  • Social skills training
  • Case coordination with schools and probation officers
Usually the nature and extent of continuing care varies by treatment facility. Some treatment centers offer very little continuing care, others will offer more.  Most recommend a continuing care plan, often a 12-step program or less intensive care.

Ideally the time to start thinking about continuing care services is during treatment.
“A month of treatment is, of course, a milestone for one suffering from substance abuse, however, it is only the beginning of recovery for an individual – the first step. The tools they learn in treatment have yet to be applied in the real world, the pressures of school, relationships, sports and work, all of which can sometimes be overwhelming.” - Denise Mariano
An ideal continuing care plan should involve:
  • A counselor or support group and at least twice weekly sessions for the first month
  • At least weekly sessions for the next two months
  • Twice monthly sessions for at least four more months
Better plans would include:
  • Continued regular checkups and monitoring via drug testing provided by a professional. The intensity of the continuing care should adjust based on the results of the checkup.
  • New activities your child enjoys that will bring him or her into contact with friends who don’t drink alcohol or use drugs.
If the treatment program does not provide a continuing care plan, then you and your child will need to develop one, preferably with a counselor or medical professional. If your child has a probation officer, you may be able to work with this individual.

It is not always easy for teens to stick to a continuing care plan and it will likely require effort and support from all involved.

To learn more, please visit Continuing Care: A Parent’s Guide to Your Teen’s Recovery from Substance Abuse. You’ll find the answers, tools and support to make your family stronger, and to help you deal with the complex and challenging situations your family may experience during the days, months and years after treatment.

What are your family’s experiences with continuing care or aftercare? Please share in the comments section below.

Sumber : drugfree.org
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13 July 2015

Salam Aidilfitri

#‎saynotodrugs‬ ‪#‎nodrugsplease‬

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What Effects Does Heroin Have On The Body?

#‎saynotodrugs‬ ‪#‎nodrugsplease‬

Heroin binds to and activates specific receptors in the brain called mu-opioid receptors (MORs). Our bodies contain naturally occurring chemicals called neurotransmitters that bind to these receptors throughout the brain and body to regulate pain, hormone release, and feelings of well-being. 

                                                                 The greatest increase in heroin use is seen in young adults aged 18-25.

9 When MORs are activated in the reward center of the brain, they stimulate the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, causing a sensation of pleasure.

10 The consequences of activating opioid receptors with externally administered opioids such as heroin (versus naturally occurring chemicals within our bodies) depend on a variety of factors: how much is used, where in the brain or body it binds, how strongly it binds and for how long, how quickly it gets there, and what happens afterward.

Source drugabuse.gov
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Drive Safe Without Drugs

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Jelajah Syawal Bersama OKP Memberi Keceriaan

Disediakan Oleh : Mohd Ezzry Bin Mustafa ( AADK Daerah Kuala Muda )

SUNGAI PETANI, 11 JULAI : Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan Daerah Kuala Muda dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Pemulihan Dadah Daerah Kuala Muda serta Skuad 1 Malaysia membentuk satu pasukan khas bagi menjalankan satu program yang mendekati Orang Kena Pengawasan ( OKP ) Daerah Kuala Muda bagi menyampaikan sedikit sumbangan keperluan dapur bagi menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri tidak lama lagi. 

Program yang dirangka ini merupakan salah satu tanggungjawab sosial untuk sentiasa mengambil tahu tentang perjalanan ataupun kehidupan Orang Kena Pengawasan ( OKP ) yang diselia oleh AADK Daerah Kuala Muda. Jelajah Syawal Bersama OKP ini juga mendapat perhatian YB Dato Dr Leong Yong Kong, Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kedah yang bersama-sama menyertai jelajah ke 3 buah rumah pertama. 

YB Dato' Dr Leong Yong Kong sempat bertanya khabar kepada OKP serta keluarga seterusnya menyampaikan sumbangan yang disediakan. Turut sama hadir mengikuti program Jelajah Syawal Bersama OKP ini adalah Encik Shamshuri Bin Yusoff, Ketua Pegawai AADK Daerah Kuala Muda, Tuan Kol ( B ) Zulkifli Bin Yusof, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pemulihan Dadah Daerah Kuala Muda, Encik Adnan Bin Md Isa, Pengerusi Skuad 1 Malaysia Daerah Kuala Muda, kakitangan AADK Kuala Muda, ahli JKPD, Rakan Hati Emas serta rakan media cetak. 

Program Jelajah Syawal Bersama OKP ini akan berterusan sepanjang minggu ini dan lebih ramai keluarga OKP akan didekati demi memastikan OKP ini sentiasa mendapat perhatian dan sokongan untuk yerus mengekalkan kepulihan mereka.

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Persiapan Diri Menyambut Syawal

Disediakan Oleh : Mohd Ezzry Bin Mustafa ( AADK Daerah Kuala Muda )

SUNGAI PETANI, 12 JULAI : Kedatangan satu Syawal adalah saat yang dinanti-nantikan oleh umat Islam setelah sebulan melalui ujian Allah S.W.T. Di saat-saat inilah segala persiapan dilakukan seperti membeli baju raya dan persiapan yang lain. 

Residen Cure & Care Service Centre (CCSC) Kuala Muda hari ini mengikuti satu program keagamaan di Surau CCSC Kuala Muda yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Abdullah Bin Saleh, pegawai agama PERKIM yang membantu residen di sini dengan mengajar residen tentang takbir raya, puasa sunat selepas hari raya dan adab menyambut hari raya. 

Di samping itu residen juga diberikan kata nasihat agar sentiasa mendekatkan diri dengan Allah S.W.T yang hanya cuma tempat untuk memohon keampunan dan menyedari diri sebagai seorang insan yang kerdil yang tidak terlepas dari kesilapan. 

Residen juga diberi peluang melahirkan kesyukuran kepada Allah S.W.T diatas ketentuannya dapat mencari tempat yang betul demi melakukan perubahan diri dan tidak mengulangi tabiat lama serta mampu menjadi idol kepada orang lain.

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Banner Raya Beri Peringatan Kepada Pengguna Jalanraya

Disediakan Oleh : Mohd Ezzry Bin Mustafa ( AADK Daerah Kuala Muda )

SUNGAI PETANI, 12 JULAI : Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan Daerah Kuala Muda turut serta dalam memberikan peringatan kepada pengguna jalanraya melalui kata-kata yang menyuruh menjauhi dadah di mana sahaja terutamanya apabila memandu di jalanraya. 
Memasang banner raya bermesej ini adalah aktiviti bermesej yang dijalankan setiap tahun dan dipasang di beberapa lokasi strategik supaya mesej yang hendak disampaikan dapat dilihat dengan jelas oleh pengguna jalanraya serta penumpang kenderaan tersebut. 
Ini merupakan lagi satu tanggungjawab sosial pihak Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan membantu agensi yang lain bagi bersama-sama mengurangkan kemalangan jalanraya akibat oleh penggunaan dadah terlarang yang mampu memberikan kesedihan kepada diri, pengguna jalanraya yang lain serta keluarga yang menunggu kepulangan anak mereka. 
Sebanyak 4 keping banner dipamerkan di sekitar kawasan yang strategik bagi pengguna jalanraya supaya sentiasa berwaspada dengan dadah yang boleh menyebabkan kebinasaan kepada semua.
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10 July 2015

No Drugs Please

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Pendidikan Pencegahan Awalan

What DO I do with those extra meds? A few simple steps.

By Cassie Goldberg  
dispose of medicine 

Teen medicine abuse is an epidemic. That’s not our declaration; it’s that of the CDC, who doesn’t throw the term “epidemic” around loosely.  It’s no secret that this behavior is a problem (and a devastating one); what is sometimes confusing, though, is what you can do in your own home to prevent the behavior and protect your family.

At the Partnership, we know that kids and adults who intend to abuse are not only accessing medicine from their own homes, but they seek it at the homes of their friends’ parents; their grandparents; and others. Safeguarding and properly disposing of the medicine you keep at home is an action that everyone should take – regardless of whether or not you believe your teen or family is at risk.

So, how do you deal with those unwanted, expired or unused medicines in your home? Here are some simple steps to help clear up the confusion.
  1. The best and safest way to dispose of unwanted medicine is by finding a take-back location near you. The American Medicine Chest Challenge features a national directory of permanent prescription collection sites in every state across the country, so you can learn where to take your meds year round. The DEA also hosts national take-back days a few times per year. Either of these options are ideal ways of disposing of your medicine.
  2. If you can’t get to a take-back location and must dispose of your meds at home, it is best to crush them up and mix them with an undesirable substance – like coffee grounds or kitty litter – and throw the mixture in the trash. This makes pills less appealing and less recognizable to anyone who can see your trash – including your teens. Note: flushing your medicine is not advised and is dangerous, as it contaminates water and causes an environmental hazard.
Of course, many people have medicine at home that they are actively using, or need to keep at home for future use. If this is the case, be vigilant about counting your pills and safeguarding this medicine.

Finally, but perhaps most importantly, talk to your kids and family about the dangers of abusing medicine. For more information on how you can help #EndMedicineAbuse at home and in your community, visit our Medicine Abuse Project website.

source www.drugfree.org

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Interactions Of Environmental Conditions And Genetic Risk For Drug Taking

Amphetamine self-administration and dopamine function: assessment of gene × environment interactions in Lewis and Fischer 344 rats

DNA molecule
Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of substance use disorders. These factors can interact in ways that confer additional risk based on the combination of genotype and environment. Such gene-by-environment interactions can be explored by studying rats that have been specifically bred to be genetically susceptible or resistant to drug use.

For example, the inbred rat strain LEW has been shown to self-administer stimulant drugs more readily than the F344 strain. With environmental factors held constant, differences between the strains are due to genetic factors, while differences within a single strain may be attributable to environmental factors.

This study examined gene-by-environment interactions in susceptibility to drug use by raising LEW and F344 rats in varied environmental conditions. Some were housed in the standard, social condition (SC) of multiple rats in one cage, others were housed in enriched conditions (EC), which involved group housing and exposure to novel objects, and others were housed in isolated conditions (IC), which removed all social and object stimuli.

The enriched rats of both strains showed less amphetamine self-administration, while the isolated rats of both strains were more prone to self-administration of amphetamine, with the IC condition causing even greater self-administration in the F344 strain than the LEW strain. The SC rats differed according to genotype, with SC LEW rats taking more amphetamine than SC F344 rats.

An interaction of strain and environment could also be seen at a neurochemical level: while no significant differences in amphetamine-stimulated extracellular DA were observed between strains or rearing environments, levels of the dopamine metabolite DOPAC were decreased less in LEW rats raised in isolation in response to amphetamine than in F344 rats raised in isolation, an effect that was not seen in rats raised in either the social or enriched environment.

These results highlight how genetic differences can cause altered responses to environmental factors. The overall protective effects of the EC indicate that environmental enrichment can protect against some genetic risk for drug use.


Meyer AC, Bardo MT. Amphetamine self-administration and dopamine function: assessment of gene × environment interactions in Lewis and Fischer 344 rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2015 Jan 9.[Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:[25566972].

Source drugabuse.gov

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Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah Bermula Dari Rumah

#‎AmbilKisahAmbilTindakan‬. Dadah... Kesannya Membinasakan

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09 July 2015

THINK ! Drug Abuse Kill...

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Health First, Ignore Substance

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Say NO To Drugs

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08 July 2015

Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Tamat Latihan Kemahiran Vokasional Klien CCVC Sepang

INSTITUT LATIHAN & KEMAHIRAN CCVC SEPANG, 6 Julai 20 : Seramai 73 orang Klien Cure & Care Vocational Centre (CCVC) Sepang telah berjaya menamatkan kursus latihan yang dijalankan bagi Kursus Pendawaian Elektrik (19 orang), Jahitan Pakaian Lelaki (17 orang), Kursus Landskap (16 orang) dan Kursus Kimpalan (21 orang) bagi sesi 1/2015. Kursus-kursus kemahiran vokasional ini mendapat kerjasama pihak Giat Mara dan Sijil Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN), Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Sijil tamat latihan telah disampaikan oleh Dato’ Suhaimi bin Abdullah, Ketua Pengarah Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan. Pada majlis tersebut Ybhg Dato’ Suhaimi telah menyampaikan Anugerah Pelatih Terbaik Keseluruhan kepada Mohd Farhan bin Othman dari Kursus Pendawaian Elektrik.

Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Tamat Latihan Kemahiran Vokasional ini diakhiri dengan majlis iftar tetamu kehormat dan jemputan bersama klien-klien CCVC sepang dan ahli keluarga yang turut hadir bagi meraikan majlis. YBhg Dato’ Ketua Pengarah juga berbesar hati menunaikan solat Isyak dan Terawih bersama-sama pelatih dan tetamu yang hadir pada majlis tersebut.

Majlis ini turut dihadiri oleh Encik Jabar Azman bin Jaafar, Timbalan CEO Sektor Pengurusan Strategik dan Pembangunan Sumber Giat Mara, Y.D.M Tengku Dato’ Dr. Jamaluddin bin Tengku Mahmud Shah Ah-Haj, Tengku Maha Bijaya Sepang, Dato’ Marsum bin Paing, Pengerusi Lembaga Pelawat CCVC Sepang, Tuan Haji Izhar bin Abu Talib, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah (Operasi) Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan.  Selain itu keluarga pelatih, pegawai-pegawai AADK dan pegawai-pegawai dari lain-lain jabatan turut dijemput .

Disediakan oleh: CCVC Daerah Sepang

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Tiada Alasan Untuk Pulih

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07 July 2015

True Recovery Comes From The Heart

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Think Health Not Drugs

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06 July 2015

Drugs Kills Your Entire Life

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Drugs Make You Act Like A Fool

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03 July 2015

Perangi Dadah Tidak Bernoktah

Temubual di TV RTM (Slot Berita Nasional 1 Tengahari) pada 30 Jun 2015 (Selasa)  sempena Sambutan Hari Antidadah Antarabangsa 2015 bersama Encik Hayazi Bin Mat Yusob, Ketua Unit Intervensi, Klinik Cure & Care 1Malaysia Sg. Besi

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Salam Ramadhan

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