06 August 2015

United Nations - Promoting International Drug Control For 70 Years


In the lead up to United Nations Day on 24 October and the 70th anniversary of the Organization, we’re highlighting a different decade each month from the past to the present to showcase the history of UNODC and its predecessors.

The UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 built upon the two previous international instruments which constitute, as a whole, the drug control framework in the United Nations system.

After both previous international agreements - from 1961 and 1971 - the UN entities entrusted with the normative aspects of drug control, the Commission of Narcotic Drugs and the International Narcotics Control Board, considered that the world drug problem required an updated international governing treaty, as the traffic of illegal drugs "menaced the health and well-being of individuals, spread corruption, abetted criminal conspiracy, and subverted public order. It threatened the sovereignty and security of States and disrupted the economic, social and cultural structures of society," this according to one of the resolutions which gave way to producing the 1988 Convention.

As the most comprehensive international treaty focusing on the traffic of illicit drugs, it includes provisions which address tracing and freezing the proceeds of drug trafficking, strengthening extradition proceedings between the countries affected by this illegal activity, the control of chemical substances used in the production of illicit drugs, securing air and maritime transportation, enhancing the provision of legal assistance between countries dealing with this threat, among many others. The Convention was held in Vienna, in November and December of 1988, with the participation of 106 countries. The necessary number of ratifications and accessions having been reached in less than two years, the Convention entered into force on 11 November 1990.

Find out more at unodc.org/un70 and visit the global page at www.un.org/un70.

Sumber: worlddrugcampaign

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